Business Classes for Aunt June?!
For the past 2 years, I have been hyper focused on creating new jewelry designs, over 500 rings alone! My goal however is to leave teaching in 1.5 years and move on to my next career as a studio artist. This means that before I can give my notice, I need to create a profitable business that can support this career change.
"Wow that guy, Stephan Mitman is a great businessman" someone once said NEVER!
Me in my just-finished empty studio in 2016
Back when I was a teenager, my Aunt June recognized that I had real potential as an artist but not so much for business. Shortly before June died, when she was 'putting her affairs in order' she wrote me and said "Promise me that you will take some business classes." This request stuck with me.
Lately, I have become quite consumed with learning about starting a new business, entrepreneurism, accounting, bookkeeping, strategic planning, growth planning, outsourcing, inventory, Shopify, team approach, CVO, and sooo much more. I am also learning that being a true entrepreneur is actually VERY creative! The mental image I had of a dry, number crunching 'business major' in college is nothing like the reality of successful business people, they are creatives!
For the nuts and bolts preparations for creating and running a successful jewelry business the Flourish & Thrive Academy has been incredibly helpful. I have taken a few courses with this organization and have learned common mistakes that new jewelry business owners make but also a series of best practices that I am incorporating into my plans.
Tracy and Robin at Flourish and Thrive Academy
I went looking for information on 'creative business' and found Andy J. Miller's Creative Pep Talk Podcast. OMG his ideas and coaching (via the podcast) have been so important to me at this stage in the game. He really speaks my language and is a regular motivator and idea man for how to look at, think about, strategize about this creative business venture. If you are in a creative career, I highly recommend him.
When I have a few spare minutes, you can often find me watching Youtube videos on Pinterest marketing, new business tips from successful entrepreneurs, Shopify how to, corporate structure tips, how to hire employees, etc. It seems like the more I learn the more it leads to new things I want to learn about!
Needless to say, I am throughly enjoying the ride. I have come to appreciate the creative potential of not just my artwork but the design of the business itself. In future posts, I will share more about my thirst for learning about all this and more.
Have a great week!