100 Day Project 'Unwearable Rings of 2020'
What is a 100 Day project? It is a self announced and moderated creative challenge where an artist creates a new work, based on a theme, each day, every day for 100 days. I chose to begin my project on Sept 23 so it would end on December 31st, the last day of 2020.
What is the challenge? Make 1 new 'Unwearable Ring' each day for the next 100 days!
Why Unwearable? Making visually interesting rings, that are completely unusable as rings seems like an exceptional fit for the final 3 months of an exceptionally upside down 2020.
Wax or Silver? I’ll make 100 wax models, one a day, that will periodically be cast sterling silver. Finished pieces will be posted on @mitman.studio.art my artist’s Instagram page. I will also share posts on how I make the rings on my studio Instagram page @silverbeehivestudio
For sale? Yup. I intend to make all 100 unwearable rings, signed and numbered, available for sale once finished, on this website.
Do you have a plan for this project? Not really. I’m going to see where it takes me. I have a long list of why I think 2020 has earned this project. Some of the pieces may directly relate to this list (Trump, Covid, human-created climate change, racism, etc.) others may simply be, interestingly dysfunctional.
Will they be wearable as a ring? Nope. these are deliberately unusable to wear on the finger. Kind of like the unsuability of 2020.